Burntstump Seely

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Welcome to the home of the Eagles. 

We are taught by Mrs Ince.  Our class spans Year Five and Year Six children so we are super busy.

Our topic

For the Summer Term, our history topic is 'Sustainability' where we will be focusing on the Ancient Greeks and finding out what made them so great.  We launched this by placing them on our timeline so that we could understand where they fitted amongst other key events that we have previously studied and located Greece on our well-filled world map.  As well as our timeline, our display highlights some key people who we will study and how they fit into the nine protected characteristics that we recognise today.  As part of our learning about the Ancient Greeks, we will be attending some workshops at Mansfield Museums to bring this to life.

In science, we are moving on to look at animals including humans and building on our knowledge of the lifecycles of insects, birds and amphibians to explore the lifecycles of humans. 

Our Year Six will commence their SATs tests on Monday 13th May 2023, which we've been preparing for and of course, we have our amazing residential to Walesby Forest to look forward to.  We'll be sharing tents and getting chance to try some activities that are new to us, such as tomahawk throwing and caving alongside the fabulous lake activities, which we enjoyed last year.

Also, look out for our end of term production...


Our PE dates this term are Mondays and Wednesdays.  Please come to school in PE kit on both of those days.  Details of our PE kit can be found on the website.


Class book

We love to read in Eagles and do lots of it.  Our class read is Who Let the Gods Out by Maz Evans - a tale of Greek Gods that land on Earth in the present day and befriend an ordinary boy, Elliot.  It's hilarious!


The most important homework is to read for pleasure at home.  We recommend this is done at least 3 times a week and note this down in our home school diaries - children can write this in themselves.

Spellings will also be coming home once a week, so please take time to learn these ready to be tested on a Wednesday.

Maths and English homework will be alternated so there is a piece every week of either maths or English grammar work to do at home.


Look out for dates of exciting activities on the website or on our newsletter Burntstump Bugle.

As always, we love to hear from parents or carers, so if you'd like to get in touch via email to the office@burntstump.snmat.org.uk 

by phone or in person, please do not hesitate.  We're always happy to help and love to hear successes that the children have had outside of school.


Curriculum Enrichment

Mathematics Knowledge Organisers

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