Burntstump Seely curriculum statement December 2020.docx
Burntstump Wider Curriculum concepts.docx
Reading at Burntstump Seely.docx
swimming-at-burntstump 2021.docx
Topic Plans:
castle knowledge organiser.doc
Castle theme topic overview (2).docx
These are the objectives we use for ongoing assessment and to give the children targets to work towards:
Y1 Maths Objective sheets for books.pub
Y1 Writing Objective sheets for books.pub
Y2 Maths Objective sheets for books.pub
Y2 Writing Objective sheets for books.pub
Y3 Maths Objective sheets for books.pub
Y3 Writing Objective sheets for books.pub
Y4 Maths Objective sheets for books.pub
Y4 Writing Objective sheets for books.pub
Y5 Writing Objective sheets for books.pub
Y6 Maths Objective sheets for books.pub