Burntstump Seely

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Welcome to Burnstump Seely C of E Academy - a unique church school based in an idyllic setting in Burntstump Country Park, with a distinctive, Christian vision that underpins our aspiration to provide the highest educational standards possible to realise the potential of all our children.
Our Christian vision is rooted in our mission statement and stems from the barriers we feel some of our children face.
 We aim to inspire and aspire within our inclusive Christian community!

Our Burntstump Vision and Aim: 

In our Burntstump community, everyone, adults and children, know that they are valued as God’s children. Their gifts are discovered, valued and nurtured so that all can flourish to live life in all its fullness. 


Our core values promote the Christian values of: community, hope, understanding, respect, confidence and honesty – these underpin our daily life in school.


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  • If you are considering sending your child to Burntstump, or if your child is returning to us in September and would like to see our new playground, click on this link.
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